The hit man Lucy allegedly hires in EPISODE #7, Mr Deity and the Tour de Hell is this guy. What people don't realize, besides how to pronounce Nietzsche, ("NEE-chee"?, "NEE-chuh"?...), is that he never actually said "God Is Dead". The incident in question was a mishearing by a drunk patron at Nietzsche's favorite nightspot. Upon seeing how few of his boozing philosopher-friends were out that night, Nietzsche really said: "Gawd, it's dead!" (Stay tuned for an anticipated "Mr. Deity" episode featuring a NEW character from the OLD Testament, to find out how the name "Job" will be pronounced.)
I am dying. Hopefully the new episode comes out tomorrow!!
Murphy feels about this series as do a number of fans and myself. We are VERY impatient for our "next fix". Isn't that interesting?
Let's hang in there... Courage!
Best, RW
I'll be OK. The heroin, vicodin and alcohol are helping....but I'm not addicted or anything.
Brian tells me that the episode is publicly available through iTunes and the RSS feed. Apparently YouTube has put up some sort of roadblock to this episode's publication. I don't know any details, and it's not my place to know....but....if this turns out to be a censorship issue, I'll lose my mind. I've seen Episode 8, and can say without reservation that there are SIGNIFICANTLY more offensive videos all over YouTube.
"The Top Ten" is right on par with the other episodes. It is brilliantly made, very "tongue in cheek", clever and most importantly, funny.
Hopefully, Brian will share with us what the holdup is, and allow the fan base to bring pressure to bear on YouTube. This, however, must be tempered with Brian's ultimate goal: The TV series. We can't do anything that will interfere with his ability to get the publicity he needs to make the series happen. That could interfere with me getting my "big break" job offer after Brian realizes my genius.
Well "Praise Be Jesse" that Brian got Episode 8 up on YouTube later that day. And if you keep scooping MrDeityFan, Murph, I'm going to have to recruit you.
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