Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Big Mr. Deity Announcement

No, not the apocalypse...

More episodes of "Words" going up, and WHOA... A Season-3 for Mr. Deity?...
on YouTube?! What the...?! Is this the good ole' days of 2007?

Mr. Deity Season Three Announcement
Fantastic production values, (amazing how the set looks exactly like the director's real house...), but the budget problems can't be hidden by the obvious continuity goofs!
(That fourth wall is certainly a lot less solid than it looks.)


Dave MacD said...

Excellent! If the DVD thing happens I would buy several!

Dave MacD said...

Also, welcome back, Wingo.

Chamberlyn said...

Glad to see updates again!

As much as I'm loving Words, I await the Second Coming (or I guess technically the Third Coming) with great anticipation!

The videos without Jimbo always leave me feeling a little empty inside, though...

denverherbie said...

An iPhone App! I hope they're not kidding... that's just cool.

jimbo said...

I like Chamberlyn. Anyone who missing me, ACES.