However, the prima-donna star of this production seems intent not only on contract renegotiation, but also on changing the damn script.
(S.2.E.4) Mr. Deity and the Notes
(Oh, and this is the first episode available in "HDNA".
No, "NA" does not stand for "Not Available", it is Sony being cute, incorporating the corporate "DNA" into their High Definition products.)
Carrying over Jarvis' comment from previous post. And um, thanks to Urban Dictionary, let it be known what "Fie!" means. "A curse given in Old English. as in "Fie on Edline! That foolish system of sorcery!" ...How appropriate.
jarvis l. manck said...
New Mr. Deity is up!!
And I'm glad to be the first to say that it is superb. Brilliant! It's theological, it's sharp and witty, it has at least two references to past episode (that I caught; there may have been more I didn't pick up on). It's got everything. Fie on you if you don't like this one!
Sat Dec 01, 12:11:00 PM UTC
Definitely the best one this season, maybe even my favorite of the whole series. I love the idea of Mr. Deity having a yard that requires upkeep, and I also love that he can't afford a fifth horseman.
I love, love, LOVED the Book of Revelations quip.
"Is that not the trippiest thing you've ever seen? Put on Dark Side of the Moon, wait about 20 seconds, start reading, it will FREAK YOU OUT."
Laughed my ass off.
Fantastic ep.
And speaking as an appreciative female viewer, they both looked rawwwwwwr.
Fantastic episode and I am really curious what Jesse would say at the press conference...hmm
"How 'bout we take care of the scarring?"
Hug me Jimbo.
This is the best of Season 2 thus far.
glad you liked it Hydro! a hug is coming your way... sorta,
but you do realize I wasn't in this one, right? and it's still your favorite?
I was there when it was shot, so that's gotta count for something!
I actually feel kind of bad about that, Jimbo. We're all raving about this episode that you're not in. So, let me say that while this was a really, really, really great episode, the only thing that could have made it better would have been you (...and maybe Amy). Looking forward to your next appearance; I always do like Larry/Jesse snark-fests.
It wasn't my favorite episode of the season because you weren't in it Jimbo. Never fear, the season isn't over yet.
And thanks for the figurative hug.
Fun... your the creativity really came through on this one. Good work.
this was a really fun episode..i enjoyed it a lot. the previous ep's were good too, but this is the best of season 2 so far.
good work guys!
Sorry about the double negative.
Dad...Dad-gummit! Yard work and ball in the house. Perhaps we'll be seeing more of the parent/child relationship as the season unfolds.
Being that "meek" means "deficient in spirit or courage" I would have to wager that meek people are not religious (most atheists tend to be mousy, not so "in your grill", save for the militants), so when the rapture occurs and everyone is sucked out of their clothes and sent to heaven I'm guessing it will be the meek that are left behind, thus inheriting the earth.
I, for one, can't wait because over 70% of criminals are believers, so the meek won't have to lock their doors at night. Besides, who wants an afterlife? The cool people won't be there (no Lennon, no Einstein) and it would probably get really boring after a while. Life is worth living for, but the afterlife is definitely not worth dying for...
"Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die"
I disagree about the correlation between meekness and religious leanings.
If the meek did inherit the Earth they'd probably put doilies under everything.
"What would the meek do with the Earth?"
Print that on a hoodie! Love this episode! Actually love 'em all. Even the episodes without poor pathetic Larry the sycophant.
This was, by far, the strongest episode of the season, to date. THANKS ALL!
"What would the meek do with the Earth?!"
Here's a bit of random scholarship for ya:
"Meek" is actually best translated as "humble." Many believe the third Beatitude is actually quoting Psalm 37:11, in which the Hebrew word for "humble" is used. In Matthew 5:5, "meek" can best be understood as "humble in the sense of surrendered to God" (Stassen and Gushee 40).
Understanding "meek" this way definitely has a strong religious correlation, so you'd better keep your doors locked =)
Yeah, but lets not ruin a hilarious joke with...you know...facts...
Also, I've been meaning to ask, is anyone in the Mr. Deity community (creators/fans) being affected by the WGA strike?
Well, I was really liking the new show "The Big Bang Theory" but I only got to see like five episodes. So, yeah, I'm being affected big time on Monday nights...
we aren't union by any means, so no we aren't put out by the writer's strike.
I'm not a member of the WGA, but in support of their cause, I won't be commenting.
Shit. Already did. OK. From now on!
Hey everyone! Glad you liked the episode. The funny little bit of trivia regarding this episode is that Crackle didn't like the long bleep and asked me to send them the version with what Jesus says in the press conference. I had every intention of doing so, but got distracted -- and they never reminded me -- so the episode aired "as is."
What Jesus was to say at the press conference was... (Brian's phone rings) Oh, hold on. It's Jimbo. I gotta take this...
Hasn't anybody seen The Really Cheap Meal yet? It's featured on Crackle and it's hilarious.
ahhh i just watched the really cheap meal---great stuff! crackle surprised us with a new episode early. i'd say this is the best this season. i'm going to have to watch it a second time to really pick up on all the tiny bits...but first impressions are definitely very good!
Canan Eoy
Hi everyone, I need some help, I'm trying to add spanish subtitles to this episode but I don't understand the last line of Mr. Deity "how about we take you...." ¿can anyone transcribe it, please? ¡Thanks!
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