Hey, Crackle delivered on-time this Episode... caught me napping... watch here - Mr Deity and the Voicemail
...and don't miss Hollywood cultural references like I did... Doh! (thanks commenters) (April: "Parental Alienation" blamed in actor Alec Baldwin incident.)
HI-larious! Way to work in pop culture. Once I realized what was going on (took me until the "made an ass out of myself" line), I was just waiting for the "rude, thoughtless little pig." Also, great references to past episodes. Still trying to get one of the references to Lucy, though...
AAAAArrrrgggHHH! Back to (semi)current events!
ok, we know anonymous doesn't like the current event thing, and believe me, it's a balance here people....but i do love this episode!
any others?
What's wrong with referring to current events? I think this episode is brilliant! I love that the series jumps around in time and history. Thanks Brian "all over the board" Dalton and crew!
Yay! The whole crew is back!
Speaking just for myself, I have never had a problem with current events. My problem with Episode 2.1 was that it was just cheap. This one, though, is fantastic!
And that doesn't have anything to do with The fact that I hate Alec Baldwin. But I do.
i'll admit it, i am a whore for the positive feedback!
thanks guys
Lucy looked GOOD in this one. Rarr....
My prayers to the FSM have worked! Mr. Deity is definitely getting back up to season 1 par. I'm looking forward to seeing the continued growth of this season.
Lucifer is pretty hot.
I still don't have the best feeling from this one but it was nice to see the whole crew. Maybe Alec Baldwin was a bit too easy and by this time way way overdone. You guys are so much wittier than this.
the good news is most people are liking this one....
which makes me happy!
hey where's murph stillwater? i need this guys approval!!
If this episode did anything great it was letting us watch the only begotten one blubber.
"Hey, Zeus" cried more in this episode than he did in the manger.
Suck it, Jesus! Oops, I mean...suck it up, Jesus.
Just kidding. I love you, Jesus. Thanks for dying for my sins, you're great. Can I get you anything? Keep in mind that my Sundays are set aside for "me" time and I'm having trouble loving my neighbor because he parties a lot. While I have you, I hear Benny Hinn has a solid gold fish symbol money clip, is this true? I think that's in bad taste. You should ask your Dad to smite him sometime. Earth could do with fewer people like that...
"Official" stamp of approval. This is the quick-witted, sharp satire I've come to know and love. Sure, Baldwin was low-hanging fruit, but it was still funny.
Put me in the column with the pop culture/current events is fair game people. Putting current events into eternal perspective is funny fun fun.
Loved it.
So glad Jesus is back, he needs more screen time.
It should also be noted that this episode was written back in June and shot in July. Originally, the Mr. Deity Crackle debut was going to take place in July, so it was actually "current" at the time.
I don't disagree with anonymous. I think Mr. Deity is best when it stays theological. We got a little sidetracked, and I think this is the last of those episodes. And I believe the next episode is Mr. Deity and Jesus only (can't remember the order) and it's all theologically based. I think you'll enjoy it, anon.
I didn't figure it out until Lucy called him. "Wipe out millions and they love you, but leave one little voice mail..."
This was pretty good. Loved the floss bit, too. I really dig the continuity with previous episodes - that makes it really fun.
Also, I agree that Lucy is looking REALLY hot. The Big D. himself is looking good, too.
Waiting for that atheist roast you talked about early on, B.
Mr. D's couch looks remarkably like Brian's couch seen in the LA Times article.
And I don't know anything about the Baldwin tapes, but the voicemail on TV reminded me of the famous Buddy Rich tapes. Any musicians here know about these?
Not a musician, but a Seinfeld fan, and one episode had George scream like a Buddy Rich tape. Meet me outside and I'll show you what it's like!
Didn't 'Dog the Bounty Hunter' have a voice mail snafoo recently?
The show is better when it stays theological, but I'm just happy it's back.
new deity in 3 days!
New Mr. Deity is up!!
And I'm glad to be the first to say that it is superb. Brilliant! It's theological, it's sharp and witty, it has at least two references to past episode (that I caught; there may have been more I didn't pick up on). It's got everything. Fie on you if you don't like this one!
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