Crackle.com Editor's Choice, November 3rd. "Mr Deity and the Meaning" (Season 2, Episode 2)
Update: Free Mr Deity Secret Decoder Ring
Dance the Macarena
Do the Hustle!
Mc Hammer (in parachute pants) "Can't Touch This"
Cool Mashup! Bowie: "Under Pressure"/ Vanilla Ice: "Ice Ice Baby"
Um, couldn't find anything about Nomen Clature
thanks for the great post wingo
ok fans, what do you think of the episode?
It was good, but to be honest, I don't think either of the season 2 episodes have lived up to my favorites from last season.
I did LOVE Mr. Deity doing the Hustle. Actually, what I really loved was Brian's royalty-evading musical knockoff of the Hustle. It takes quite a bit of skill to do that well.
Also, "neophyte" is a great word. Lastly, the parachute pants joke killed me. It's one of my favorite 80s things about which to laugh.
ok, hey thanks for the honesty. one of the things i worried about was this big anticipation for season 2 and could we really live up to the hype.
i don't know, i loved this episode and i was the first to say i wasn't blown away with episode 1 and bush.
i do think this one gets better with each viewing and the idea that your life is decided by the cards is fantastic.
but again, we appreciate your support and honesty!
anyone else? come on people, give it to us straight!
Hey Jimbo!
Wait: "Give it to you straight?"
Now that's a little tricky for the few of us with (wink, wink) "design sense".
I'd offer to "give it to you gay" but that sounds wrong somehow.
Bwahahaha!, I crack me up.
All seriousness aside, I liked the episode, even if I did have to watch it three times to catch some of the writer's more obscure cultural references. Did Brian join the WGA writers strike?
Just kidding. HA! I crack me up.
To give it to you straight Jimbo, you're responsible for your own hype. What do you expect after 6 months of anticipation? After 40 years of wandering in the desert, you expect that first cold beer to be pretty flippin' awesome.
I admit, one of the reasons the Bush episode was poop is because Larry and Jesse weren't in it.
Since you're asking...
I liked both episodes, though I agree the first didn't live up to the standards of the 1st season. The second episode was fun. The game idea was very clever. It would've been fun to see the playing pieces, and see Jesse play too.
Looking forward to more.
hey guys,
i really do appreciate this feedback, and the beer analogy is priceless!
thanks again,
Hey I love the new season, Jimbo. I want the card game. Where can I buy it? Anyhow, I look forward to the next episode and I am glad you are all back. Missed you all!!
is it too soon to say I love you?
seriously, thanks! i do believe we've got some great episodes coming your way
As I said before, I really enjoyed this episode. It's back to the sort of humor that made me fall in love with the Deity to begin with. I think one of my favorite lines was, "You're the one that always says, 'Luck is the guiding force behind everything.'"
And Mr. Deity doing the Hustle is an image that will remain with me for the rest of my life, for better or worse =)
Hey Jimbo!
Mr. Deity card auction on eBay?
Huh!? Huh!?.... Think about it. 1 card (maybe autographed on the back) starting at $5. Do I hear $10? I hear $10. Goin' on $20....
I was just wondering why you guys decided on a board game with cards and dice instead of some sort of wheel-based, dart based, or video-game based destiny game.
i think brian went with the card game cause it's easier to create. he's a super photoshopper/in designer so he just whipped it out.
i'd love to see a deity board game in the future, maybe tie in some sort of audio device where you hear us talking as you play?
I liked this episode quite a bit. It gets better every time I watch it because I pick up more of the subtleties. A couple of little things I liked:
The bottled water. Bottled water is a pox upon this land, but Mr. Deity drinks so it must be good.
The shifty eyes when Mr. D says, "I've got things to do...phone calls to take..." I nice tip to Episode 4.
How Larry clams up and has the "hurt because I'm in trouble" kid look as he's scolded by "the father".
Those are just three little things. Nice work.
p.s. I did not learn from MC Hammer's cautionary tale. :(
Personally, it seemed a lot more preachy than we'd seen in the past. While I guess it's funny, that kind of ranting doesn't seem humorous to me. Still, an interesting take on the way the whole plan was put together :)
I was briefly castigated for "hating" on s2, episode 1.
THIS episode, however really starts to bring us back to what makes Diety great! I, TOO, want to see the whole crowd together. I really like the group dynamic.
The Hustle flash was fantastic! I think bits like that add a lot of humor to the episode.
I think Deity(Brian) is best when he's weaseling out of something ("I'm a busy guy!").
I also like: "Aluminum siding is evil."
Well done, folks. I anxiously await MORE. (always wanting more...)
New Mr. D tomorrow!? Yes? No? It's more stressful than waiting for my paycheck.
It's becoming more schtick and less kick. What used to be razor-sharp and humorously thought-provoking has become a goofy, one-note sitcom. Romancing the populace already? Hope not.
Brilliant! Love that Brian got all four of you in the same episode.
Praying for the HBO Mr Deity series
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