Season 2 Episode 5 Mr Deity and the Really Cheap Meal.
Good-call by the way, skipping the Manna-Skins. (They go directly to your waistline.)
After you've watched the episode, check out this really simple (yeah right) Wikipedia explanation of the referenced scripture, (and even simpler, on Manna.) Buen provecho!
And don't miss the funny comment from Mr D himself in the previous comment thread.
Can you believe the Deity would give me herpes??? ME!!
Hope you all enjoy, I love this one!
- Lucy's "They're idiots" and "Do you think she's pretty?"
- Mr D's closing "MUY BUENO!" and "I loves me the virgins!"
- Larry/Jesse rivalry still makes me laugh... it's one of the best things about the series.
I think this beats the last one as favourite.
"For christ's sake..."
Love the series, but theologically you blew one point. The "immaculate conception" is commonly misunderstood to be a reference to Mary being pregnant with Jesus. The "immaculate conception" actually refers to the conception of Mary, she being born without original sin "allows" her to be the one chosen to give birth to the baby Jesus. And, by the way, "no spooning" is just a bit creepy.
I don't think that being absolutely theologically accurate is the point, and most people don't realize the difference between the immaculate conception of Mary, and the Virginal Conception of Jesse as being 2 different things (It is still hilarious that Lucy is jealous :p)
Liked the Bewitched tie in :)
Is Larry the Holy Ghost or not?
In Christian theology, the Holy Ghost is kind of a lackey -- he/it runs the Church and tends humankind, but Jesus gets all the glory of the Church.
Until now, I figured that Larry was the Holy Ghost, but no one at the meal seems to think so.
(BTW -- I loved the water-into-wine trick; I caught it on the third viewing.)
On another viewing --
It sounds like they haven't yet worked out who the Holy Ghost is.
Lucy shouldn't be jealous - it's the Holy Ghost who gets Mary pregnant. And in my view, that would be LARRY.
It'll be interesting to see how (or if) this develops.
Definitely my favorite of the season thus far! Absolutely hilarious! There are too many quotes to choose from (and Shandy already got many of them). It had all of the best elements: theological humor, witty quips, Jimbo... doesn't get much better than that (until the next episode comes out and then I might have to reappraise that comment).
As far as the whole virgin birth thing, "virgin" might be a mistranslation. Many scholars believe it should actually be "young woman" and there was no virgin birth at all. Whatever you think about the it, you should check this out:
Larry is the sycophantic, herpetic personal assistant to Mr. Deity. No more or less. If Larry had won an earlier bet with Mr. Deity, he'd be an Archangel, but has never been made an equal partner (1/3 vote).
As far as I can tell, we've only seen 2/3 of the Trinity. The HG/HS is still in reserve methinks.
Does Hope the waitress not get any mention in the credits?
Oh my Deity!!!!! I can't believe I left "Hope" off the credits. That's my gorgeous daughter, Brindi. And I'm in deep do-do! Damn that closing credits template!!!!
Glad everyone's enjoying this episode. it was a marathon shoot (10 hours) for which Amy had to drive two hours up and back (four hours total --what a trooper!!!).
I was aware of the "immaculate conception" thing, but I went with the vernacular on that one. Most people have no idea about that or the controversy that begins the episode (is Jesus co-eternal with the father or did he proceed forth from?).
TRIVIA: This is one of two or three episodes in which I accidentally used the wrong make-up (bronzer). That's why I look so tan (I thought it was an exposure problem). We had shot all of my side before we realized it, and then Sean (Jesse/Jesus) would not allow me to look darker than him, so he put the bronzer on too.
Has anyone noticed the new "end theme" for the season two shows (more trivia coming)? We had a logistics problem securing the license for the old end theme, so I had to do this one myself. It's actually just another version of the Mr. Deity theme song, but part of the melody sounds a lot like the "Three's Company" theme. Listen for, "come and knock at our door." I didn't realize the similarity until later.
No hugs this time Jimbo (you know, th e herpes), but I loved this one! Great editing, great timing, and great references to previous episodes. "We're going to make him a Latino now."
And to think I thought the joke about you having herpes in one of the Mr. Deity Trailers was in poor taste. Sorry for doubting you Brian!
yeah, what can i say, i have the herpes....brought on usually by stress! if this little show could make it the small screen, maybe some of that stress would go away, well probably not.
i remember calling brian that day saying we are going to have to write the herpes in....there's just no way to ignore that big lip.
and good people are catching on that jesus is becoming more of a latino?
Hey Jimbo, what's up with your hair in this one? And is that an ice cream tie?
May Mr. Deity bless you and keep you...May Lucy have fun with her Macs and their fashion sense...May Larry learn that he is loved by all the fans for quick witty replies to all...May Jesse just realize that he is the fun loving sexy guy without a care...and of course May Hope (Season 2, Episode 5) and Fate (Season 1,Episode 6), have fun as the girls of the troupe...
tour de force, deity, et. al.
It's really nice to see everyone together in the same place at the same time.
I believe that's a deity first!
i was trying out a new hair style hydrobell! no, actually i was thinking the hair kind of went along with the herpes!
and yes, i answer every email with a big smile on my face! i love it.
i have even talked several fans (now friends) on the phone. can you believe it?? wow!
merry christmas to all
Feliz Navidad Jesus!
I loved the fish sticks, you guys crack me up. Jim don't worry about the herpes, it didn't look too bad.
It just occurred to me that the Spanish pronunciation of "Jesus" could be written: "Hey, Zeus!". Google again informs me that I am not so clever, because it's occurred to lots of people. Also, the Urban Dictionary.com proves to be not only a source of disturbing sexual slang but also arcane Holy knowledge, as it seems "Jesus (or Yeshua?) may be loosely transliterated into: "Hey, Zeus, I'm gonna take your place!"
What's that hardened material on a block of Brie called? Oh, that's right, it's the "cheese's crust" of the latter dairy snacks.
I can see my tan is getting darker for that one!
Tried to get friends to look at this series again.... Friends that had expressed a lot of interest initially, but lost interest when there were no more videos posted for months!
12-21-2008 Great... I look like a total idiot now... Forwarded a link from Crackle to promote you guys to all my friends again!!
SIGH...Your latest video stops abruptly very early on. I will no longer hold my breath and look for your latest episode.
first, thanks for buggin your friends,
second, don't give up!!!
have you tried the podcast in itunes? it's beautiful!!!
Wish I could give Nalane a hug. Don't blame the cast and crew for Crackle's failure. Please! Technical difficulties notwithstanding, I talk about Mr. Deity to everyone I see, and proudly wear my "Wait for Lou" shirt as soon as it clears the laundry basket.
Please take Jimbo's advice and use the podcast for distribution. The video is dramatically better than the Crackle version. And since Season 2 has begun, Crackle hasn't missed a broadcast date (that I can recall). Things are improving!!
Murph, you're right... I shouldn't vent my frustration at Mr D and crew.
I've seen several Diety and other videos get hung up on Crackle in the past. Just when I thought all the kinks had been worked out, I thought I'd spread the word again. Bad timing! Sheesh!
OK... The podcast worked perfectly so thanks for the tip Jimbo. Crackle has seen the last of me or is it the other way around? A shame since there are two other really funny shows I would have liked to follow.
Oy vey. Friggin' Crackle...
Has the writers strike finally hit the Deity bus, or is Crackle on holiday?
Plus they went and spelled "Almightyness" with an "i" instead of a "y". Dolts. It's obvious that their copywriters are not fans of the show.
"Almightyness" is spelled as Brian spelled it. As we say in the south, "It was done deliberate".
My understanding is that there are 10 episodes for season 2 in the can. Can't be the writer's strike.
It's Crackle. Same sad story. It's always Crackle. Someone must be working overtime in the Sales Prevention Department at Crackle. Assholes. They could fuck up a one-car funeral.
Murphy jinxed it with the statement "since Season 2 has begun, Crackle hasn't missed a broadcast date."
Though, I'm guessing all the Crackle guys are just on a lovely, politically correct, non-denominational holiday break.
Speaking of which, Mr. Deity should address the "War on Christmas". How funny would that be?
Is it just me, or does Mr Deity remind of you of Seinfeld.
Seinfeld - Mr Deity
Elaine - Lucy
George - Larry
and the offspring of Kramer/Newman - Jesse
hey guys,
crackly told us they were going to skip week with a new release. or at least they asked us what they thought about the idea, then they did what they wanted. no actually i don't know if brian thought it was a good idea or not. their thinking was due to the holidays, the traffic may be down. my thinking is if they did a better job of promoting we wouldn't have to worry about it!!
anyway, the next episode will be out next satuday I guess.
hope you all had a great xmas and shit like that...you know if you are jewish then happy (insert holiday here) or if you celebrate (insert holiday here).
and um, happy new year! we all do that one right?
Great moments in American History:
August 6, 1945: United States drops an A-Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.
August 9, 1945: United States drops an H-Bomb on Nagasaki, Japan.
December 31, 2007: Murphy J. Stillwater drops an F-Bomb on mrdeityfan.com.
Murph, dude, I know about the Almightyness. I was the one that told Brian the Y was missing from the swag. It's Crackle that done got it wrong...
"All Mightiness - One Day at a TIme"
Crackle Copywriters on Crack.
Sorry, Tom. I guess the drugs I'm on made the info go into my brain bass ackwards. Of course you're right.
Onward. I hope that Brian's other marketing ventures for Mr. Deity are going well and will bear fruit soon. Crackle seems to be as useful as tits on a boar hog in this endeavor. Hopefully we can help deflect the ineptness from the Mr. Deity crew and continue to place the blame squarely where it belongs: Cracklehead. This series is incredible and deserves a shot, and is obviously more than Crackle can handle.
I refuse to lose faith.
On a completely unrelated note....
man i love you guys!!!
Man, I was really hoping to get a good shot of intelligent humor before heading into work at Starbucks this afternoon..... but it looks like Crackle has failed us once again. Seems like this is the pain and suffering aspect of the Deity punishing us for our love of Him.
Otherwise, it would be WAY too easy to believe in him.
Maybe Crackle is still on the every other week schedule, and since the new episode was supposed to go out last week, they figure it's not really due till next week?
There has to be some logic they're using. ( Loud Cackling! )
Fort Worth it is, I sent Crackle a flaming turd of an email about their inconsistency. If they can't handle and promote shows THEY invest in, I pity the poor investor who puts money on them.
What a bunch of clowns. Hopefully there's a clause in the contract that allows Brian to release episodes when Crackle fails. There has to be a breach somewhere.
Actually, it says right on Mr. Deity's "Show" page on Crackle that episode 6 was due on the 29th:
The much anticipated 2nd season is under way. Catch Episode 6 on Saturday, December 29th!
Its a little ridiculous when they can't follow their own schedule...
yeah, um, let's see well...um, oh..
i just got the word yesterday aftenoon that they would take 2 weeks off due to the holidays....
will be back next week,
on a good note, i do think the episode coming next week will be worth it.
One of the paramount rules of selling (and yes, I believe this is a sales process for the Mr. Deity franchise) is to set proper expectations. Someone at Crackle needs to attend a basic sales and marketing class because they are obviously clueless. If the prospect doesn't know when he can expect his product, then he will be frustrated and cancel the order. Same principal applies here. I hate the thought of losing the base, but I suspect it's happening.
If the issue of consistency isn't cured, I fear for the future of the Mr. Deity fan base. I'm so depressed.
As I understand it, all episodes have been produced, and we are just being fed them every 2 weeks. Are the web programmers at Crackle so bad that they cannot programatically release them on time? They have to already be there, and I know it is possible, (I do it myself with a few sites I maintain).
It is so sad to see a group that was doing so awesome by itself finally seem to get some recognition and be slipped up by the instrument of so much initial excitement!
I hope that this winds up so much better than it's started. With only four more episodes this 'season' after the release of this tardy one... I think it will be hard for Crackle to make this up and to convince us an the crew they're behind the advancement of this project. And if they're not behind it, then what happens?
My last on this topic. I'm going to simply wait for the episodes to show up on the podcast or RSS. I will not allow my visits to count in Crackle's stats for them to raise advertising revenue as they attempt to kill brilliant series.
I'd rather visit Lucy....in the catheter room.
To quote the great fictional villian, Hedley Lamar, "Kinky..."
speaking of the podcast, has anyone else had the problems of episodes being mislabeled from itunes?
I'm at work right now so can't check the name, but one of the season 2 eps was actually a season one ep in the podcast :(
Wasn't going to post again on the subject, but I didn't expect a response from Crackle staff. Here's the weak-assed explanation:
"We apologize for the delay. Due to the holidays and a recent power outage here at Crackle, the newest Mr. Deity episode has been delayed until January 12th."
In all fairness, the decision to postpone the episodes for a couple weeks during the holidays was a group decision. I should have posted something here explaining. My Evil. B
Bad, Deity, bad! Now go stand over in the corner of the universe and stare at that black hole...
Standing in the corner, staring at the black hole.
BTW, the episode coming out this weekend is one of my favorite Jimbo/Larry performances. Enjoy!!!!
Let us pray that the evil Crackle overlord does not allow Mr D to be sucked up by that black hole!
It's here! 2/6!
Back to the Old Testament.
When Crackle said Jan 12, maybe they were thinking of UTC.
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