Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Famous Skeptic felled by Infamous "Hot Blonde"

Celebrity skeptic Michael Shermer guest stars in this episode where the Deity's "all-knowingness" is clearly off.
Watch Mr. Deity and the Skeptic.

(Learn more about Dr. Shermer in this Wikipedia article.)


Anonymous said...

Bottom line...best episode ever...without question, it was the most intellectually stimulating an thought provoking...awesome watching and acutely listening to the dialogue and arguments/positions from both sides...this should be a must see for every person with a rational and open mind...

Doctor X said...
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Doctor X said...
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Doctor X said...

Fixing my user id.

What I wrote was:

I am impressed with (Dr.) Shermer's acting.

Most non-actors come off as "stiff" when asked to act.

Good job!