Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lucy Gets in a Theological Argument with the Big D


Mr. Deity said...

Hey Mark!
Thanks for the post. Sorry for the lack of a "heads up" again. After editing for nine hours, I lose track. B

Murphy said...

If it meant seeing the Bellagio fountain of "seed", I'd keep my all-knowingness turned off too.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, "water into Wine" is real magic but "sawing a woman in half" is a trick?

Anonymous said...

Seems Penn noticed!



anthonyfarris said...

Love the book Lucy's got. Nice touch guys.

Kendra Holliday said...

Yep I follow Penn on Twitter, that was great! And Lucy is sooo hot in this one! Her incredulous blue eyes speak volumes! :)

Kendra Holliday said...

Or are they green? Grey? I guess I should ask Mr Deity. Regardless, they are bewitching!

Mr. Deity said...

They are the most gorgeous green eyes on the planet. They are completely bewitching, and one of the great joys of my life is being completely lost in her gaze.

Doctor X said...

Hilarious! Excellent job!

Convinced me to subscribe.
