Now, going back to Episode 7, I have some fascinating trivia about the "Hokey Pokey". (Don't worry, it's not graphic.) It seems the term evolved centuries ago when some Protestants were mocking the Catholic practice of Transubstantiation. "Hokey Pokey" is a distortion of "Hocus Pocus" which is in turn a distortion of the Latin "Hoc enim est corpus meum", (English: "this is my body".)
Can't be COINCIDENCE, can it?....... (Am I spending too much time with my mouse?) Feel free to discuss.... I mean, about Mr. Deity.
Dude. Seriously. Get a hobby.
I asked politely that the discussion be about the series Murph, not about me. (Sigh... I guess I should be grateful you didn't tell me to "Get a job"...)
LOL. He who takes me seriously does so at his own peril.
Methinks you dig too deeply, young paduan. But, I'm an idiot (freelance professional idiot). Perhaps Brian does take the reference that deeply. Only Mr. Deity knows.
I admit that a great deal of the surface humor has deep roots that just escape me. That's the art of it all. It's like the old Bugs Bunny cartoons...The kids laugh at the sight gags, and the adults laugh at the subtle humor. I'm a sight gag sort of intellect.
Mr Deity is pretty much how I've been picturing god for a while. I hope Job guest stars at some point (maybe he has, I'm still working through the vids).
This is the funniest stuff I've seen on God since The Goon's take on Job. Look up Goon Bible (or my blog) if you haven't seen it yet.
You are doing an awesome job with this site. I can't tell you how much we appreciate it.
Good Job on the site. I dont know what kind of access you get but would it be possible to give us a production update? Like how far along the next episode is and when its scheduled to be put up.
Brian has a good history of hitting a schedule that looks like every other Tuesday. He refers to it as semi-monthly, but it's really more like bi-weekly. I get my info by subscribing to the RSS and Podcast feeds. That way I get it when it's released to the world.
Oh my gosh. Its simple. Remember "you put your right foot in, you take your right foot out you do the hokey pokey and turn yourself about". With a little twist its "You put the catheter in, you take the catheter out, with no anesthetic you really scream and shout". I have no reason that this joke is any deeper then my puddle of brain matter.
Episode 10 is not on Crackle.
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