Friday, February 22, 2008

Yup, evidence the Creator was a guy

In this episode Mr. Deity realizes he should have had a proofreader.
The legacy is that we got stuck with a confusing, (and grammatically incorrect,) Genesis, Chapter 2, Verse 18: " help meet..." (?!)
If it isn't in error, maybe it could be referring to some sort of DIY (Do-It-Yourself)-workshop?
Or perhaps it was an accidental carryover from a rough draft that had Adam taking care of his own laundry?
Enjoy "Mr Deity And The Help Meet"

If you want to read a discussion of the phrase, here's a link that gave me a bit of a headache. (Ctrl+F or Command-F, and typing "meet" will bring you to the phrase in the page.)

Friday, February 8, 2008

the plan: "Afterlife" feature wins unanimous support

In this episode we take a fun return trip to planning stages of Creation. There are some nice tie-ins of past topics. Also way back to the beginning of the series Brian Dalton promised (in a YouTube thread,) an equal-time poke at the dogmatic brand of atheists.
Here we go... some of Mr D's best stuff.
Mr Deity and the Good
(Sorry for the delay, in part because my 9 year old PC is maxed out and getting tired.)
Larry contemplates early sketch proposal for the afterlife...
(A frame from episode, composite concept by me). Drawing is of an old Polynesian concept of the afterlife. (from Wikipedia entry on Heaven) See also Afterlife