Thank you commentors for a great deal of the "meat" of this fanblog.
It does seem Sony Pictures' Crackle has been out to test our "faith", eh?
The comment thread has been replete with: opinion, visits from from both "Mr Deity" and "Larry", a snark or two, and even poetry. Resourceful fans have been trading tips and ferreting out snippets of info. Commenter Tom L drolly informs us that the last episode from "Season 1" is planned to be introduced to new fans October 6, with Season 2's Episode 11 being released October 17.
Snark away!
(For reference... quick-link for the thread so far)
AARRGH! More delay! How evil! Mr. D is really tipping the scale on the WAY over quota gratutious pain and suffering stuff with this news. Losing faith... (especially in Crackle) Anyone else feeling Snarky?
Crackle definitely isn't Youtube, but unfortunately Youtube doesn't pay the bills, so the whole situation is definitely a quagmire. On the bright side you guys should check out See this Movie, its a great little indie movie that seems a bit too applicable to this whole situation.
Chirp....... Chirp.........
Has anybody caught anything new on video worth watching? Sands of Passion show on Crackle is rather amusing. Not quite as good as our Mr. D series, but definitely funny in it's religious satire. Check it out!
Have you guys checked out the second Mr. D promo? It's a lot like the first one, and just like the first one, it's pretty funny. Though, for reasons passing understanding, it's not in the podcast feed. The D works in mysterious ways, I guess.
...and in response to nalane's question about new videos, the other web series I follow just started its second "season" a couple of weeks ago. It's called iChannel, and it's a bit like The Truman Show with a twist of its own.
Crackle Report:
Mr. Deity - Season 2 starts OCT 17, with new episodes available every other Saturday starting on OCT 20...
October 6 has come and gone. WTF, Crackle?! I grow weary of being jerked around. Anybody know who we could email about this? I know we shouldn't complain to Brian or Jimbo about this. It's definitely not their fault, but come on!
There is a new promo on the Mr. Deity profile page as of yesterday, check it out...
...a little taste of the coming episode 201.
Sorry, the link didn't show up...
Mr. Deity Profile
Thanks for the link, Tom. That is hilarious. I especially like the skeptical reactions from Lucy.
PS - What happened to the music for the end credits on the Crackle version of episode 1? It used to be the big band horn send-off into the soft chorus, and now it's a B3 or something playing the Mr. Deity tune (in which you actually can hear the ending of the tune).
Not sure about the big band send-off change, but it may be a copyright/clearance issue, or maybe it was dropped to keep the music consistent.
This is just speculation, but being that season 2 begins next Wednesday (Oct. 17) and another episode has been declared to be shown the following Saturday (Oct. 20) I am under the suspicion that the missing 'Seed' episode will be the premiere on the 17th and the much anticipated 'Burning Bush talks to Blubbering Bush' episode will be on the 20th. Pure speculation.
More speculation: the latest promo was not issued as a video podcast, so the days of sitting back and letting iTunes get your 'Mr. Deity' for you could be over. (Sony may be protecting the episodes they own.)
Whooo! Only 5 more days until we hopefully have new deity episodes!
Well, STILL no "Episode 10 -- The Seed" on Crackle. Looks like the 17th will "unveil" The Seed for Crackle viewers, then we get the new episodes on the 20th, but only one every two weeks. IFFFF we can believe Crackle THIS time. It may be anoying, but it is SOOOO True:
What do we WANT?!
When do we GET IT?!
Keep the faith brothers and sisters. The episodes are "in the can" and WILL be coming . . . soon.
i am almost embarrassed to write here, but i just wanted to say thanks again for all of the love and support,....and yes, tomorrow we launch...you know assuming crackle does what they say....
Jimbo, while this isn't my blog, I think it's safe to say that you and Brian are ALWAYS welcome here. We know the delays and mixed signals aren't coming from you.
well, for what it's worth, it's NOW LIVE ON CRACKLE!!!
Well, I suppose I'm the first one to have seen episode 11 on Crackle (or at least the first one to post on it). It's great as always and George is outstanding (with his omniscientisness..). Congratulations to Mr. D and friends for the wonderful work and us for waiting so long. It was worth the wait.
João (in Spain as always)
Like manna from heaven! I even downloaded Flash 9 (and I hate downloading software) so that I could revel in the divine goodness.
By the way, I second dave's statement. I always get excited when I see a post from the Source.
I hope George doesn't appear in any more episodes. I love Mr. Deity for poking fun at the fundamental questions of human existence and the light-hearted look at scripture. I don't love the notion that Bush isn't accountable for the war because Mr. D told him to do it.
I just think it's too soon for this kind of humor (since the war's not yet over). Just one man's opinion.
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