Wednesday, August 29, 2007

...and just into the concession stand!

(...along with a re-supply of Goobers you demanded,) the long promised Mr. Deity goodies have finally arrived! Yippee!

(We may just have to keep the stand open longer so everyone can browse the shop before we start the show.)

See the Mr Deity line via or go directly to the Mr.Deity store at CafePress.

I think I'm gonna enjoy confusing my friends and the faithful alike with my "What Would Jesse Do?" T-shirt! hahaha


Anonymous said...

I can hear them folding my T-shirt right now...

In 8-10 days I will be spreading the gospel of 1-10 episodes.

Thanks for offering the swag, BKD!

Anonymous said...

Lord John Whorfin: Where are we going?
Evil Minions: Planet 10
Lord John Whorfin: When are we leaving?
Evil Minions: Real Soon!!

-- A Big Fan

Dave MacD said...

Will the stein turn water into beer?

Murphy J. Stillwater said...

I think the "Wait for Lou" shirt will be the ultimate insider joke.

Murphy J. Stillwater said...

Truth in advertising statement: I just bought the "Wait for Lou" shirt.

Anonymous said...

Definitely gonna have to get the wait for Lou stein, is there any chance in the future of a hoodie in a color like navy? Of course with the weather the way it has been around here recently a hoodie is the last thing on anyones mind. The entire month of august had a high temperature of 90+. Got up to 105 at its peak and was around 110 with the heat index, I've been shivering at 70.

Anonymous said...

For Mr. Deity fan blog readers, you can send me your suggestions at and if I like them, I'll throw up a shirt or mug for you to purchase. How's that for service?
Mr. Deity

Murphy J. Stillwater said...

Digging the shirt.

RealWingo (just a fan...) said...

Mr. Deity said...
...How's that for service?

See kids, SOME prayers do get answered!

Nalane said...


I beg to differ on your take on Mr. D's written word. Keep in mind he has only offered to CONSIDER prayers... No guarantee on a hoodie request.

Just filling the coffers! No sin in that! Oops, um at least in these days...right?

Anonymous said...

The merchandise is great, but, we are only 24 days away from it being looong 6 months since the last Deity video, and at this point I believe it's do or die for the series, the core of diehard fans is dwindling on this site. So tell Aaron to stop making us wander around in the desert and finally get us to the promised land, because its hot, I'm thirsty, and we all have sand in very uncomfortable crevices, or else I'll just have to scrap together enough gold to make another golden calf.

Dave MacD said...


I'm not sure the core of fans is, as you say, "dwindling." We're getting a bit quieter, perhaps, but we're patient.

Though, to be fair, every time I see a Jimbo or Brian post here on Wingo's fabulous blog, I get a bit excited. Then, when there's no new episode in the weeks following, I get a little disappointed, but never bitter or resentful. Some things are good enough to be worth a bit of a wait.

Dave MacD

Dave MacD said...

Anyone ever wonder what Mr. Deity, Larry, and Jesse do when they aren't working? We've heard that Mr. D and Larry like to sunbathe. I like to imagine the three of them going bowling. Any other thoughts?

Anonymous said...

I think Jesse probably hangs around frat parties trying to pick up college girls with his divine abilities. Well until Larry finds him and smacks him back into shape because of the whole sinless life thing.

Anonymous said...

Lord John Whorfin: Where are we going?
Evil Minions: Planet 10
Lord John Whorfin: When are we leaving?
Evil Minions: Real Soon!!

-- A Big Fan

Nalane said...

...and then they go play competition Tiddly Winks with Lucy.
Since she's hosting from Hell's Kitchen, she serves.....

next fan continue please!

RealWingo (just a fan...) said...

Lucy unfortunately "scrunges" her shot and as Jesse prepares to take his turn, says: "Sir... Tell me again why exactly you don't let people know you exist for sure or not."