Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mr. Deity Snags #1 Top Billing on Sony's Crackle

[composite artwork by moi, your faithful blog host]
On the first day of operation for Sony's Crackle new streaming-media venture, "Mr. Deity" episode #2; "The Really Big Favor" was the very first video any visitor saw! Score!
Normally "Mr. Deity" is brought to you via Crackle's "Funny" channel. (Where "Mr Deity" episode #1 now has the top spot.) All the Mr. Deity shorts, (including the soon? to be available #11), can be found on the Mr. Deity profile page.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Congrats Mr Deity Crew - A Major Feat!

Photo: Luis Sinco, LA Times
Holy Sony Pictures! Do you hear that Crackle? See LA Times article. (more later...)
...OK, I'm back. Ew sorry, I forgot one has to register with the LA Times to read the article. (Hey, It's Monday.) I recommend taking a moment to register at the LA Times, a great paper, but here's the scoop: You know how we first saw Mr Deity on YouTube, and then also on Grouper? Well, Sony bought Grouper and is totally revamping the service. It will be exclusively handling quality new talent in the video realm and is now known as "Crackle". New episodes of Mr Deity are being produced exclusively for Sony Pictures / Crackle. If you read the entire, interesting article, you will also note that Brian ("Mr. Deity") Dalton has also been in discussion with some "big name company" about... wait for it... (and note how this blogs' trend-surfing readers keep scooping me), ... a possible future Mr. Deity feature film. In the meantime look for the next Mr. Deity episode on !

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Mr. Deity Will Be Back In A Moment !

[artwork, as usual, unless otherwise noted, by moi, your faithful blog host]
Grab your popcorn kids, because there WILL be more Mr. Deity episodes!
Not that I have a special audience with the Almighty or anything, but a little angel, (balding), just sat on my shoulder and gave me, (most of), the scoop. (Oh, and a phone call was made between the coasts.)

The bonus for us fans is that we won't see a huge difference from our regular, anticipated fixes of online Mr. Deity fun. The major difference is that the Mr. Deity crew won't be funding their project with bottle returns from their kids school lunches.

As has been mentioned, Brian ("Mr. Deity") has written five great new episodes. But there will be more! Jimbo ("Larry") has asked me to still not mention the name(s) of the production partner(s), but you definitely would recognize said name(s).

So you know how many great episodes we've enjoyed so far?
You can expect that number to double.
Go ahead, get the tub size popcorn.