Hey, are we bored, depressed? Experiencing separation anxiety? We the faithful, in our patient awaiting for Mr. Deity's return, must try not to become pugnacious. If you have read the comments threads here you'll get the sense from "Larry", (Jimbo Marshall), that these guys, besides keeping their day jobs ARE making progress with a business deal. Lettuce pray. (PS Apologies for the delayed posting, I was out-of-commission for a while.)
In the meantime, those of the less faithful and questioning variety might be interesting in reading the Wikipedia entry on Meslier, a historic and startling philosopher on religion of sorts, who I recently learned about... inspired a particular cutting Voltaire quip. Cheers from Maine....and thanks for the great response to this blog's first poll!. Verrry interesting.
Um. Wow. Have started reading Meslier's text. Amazing stuff. Thanks for the lead.
With any luck, this will keep the Mr. Deity withdrawals at bay while the brain is entertained by a good read.
Have y'all listened to the 23 minute audio interview by the GoDaddy guy with Brian? It's in the ITunes podcast feed.
Ann. Yup. Fantastic stuff.
From Meslier's pen to Mr. Deity's script notes: "He is continually occupied in creating and destroying, then repairing what he has done, never appearing to be satisfied with his work." (This is found in the apologue of Meslier's Testament. Dang, this is fun.
Larry: "You're being a perfectionist."
Mr. Deity: "Uh. Yeah."
Another fun thing to do during the wait is attempt to pronounce the verification words on the comment side of the page. Perhaps not as intellectually engaging as Meslier, but I'm a simple man.
Dave "qsjiq" MacD
David! thanks for pointing out yet another way to enjoy the MrDeityFan blog! You can also hit "reload" and get an entirely new verification word to try to pronounce. (Thanks! I was starting to have difficulty finding something new to do online.)
What you probably didn't realize is that the verification words are actually acronyms for little-known "spook" agencies! (Honest!) ;-)
For even more fun, search online these keywords:
Seneca religion useful
ok, another little tease....
the deity himself has actually sent back the 2nd version of the "contract" with some minor issues. we are getting close. i know i keep saying that....
and brian's been writing like...well, a deity
this is gonna be good.
jimbo or larry
Thanks for the update, Jimbo. It makes the wait more bearable.
Dave "wazypt" MacD
Oh my heart skipped a beat when I saw the comment number had changed... Sigh... Jimbo and Mr. D
When will we ever hear from you again? Amy, Sean... you guys still with us? What do the quote marks around the contract mean? Nobody spit and did the wet and icky handshake? It could all still fall through? AARGH! sob
Oh, and for the record, I don't believe in Dog.
Sorry to hear that Murphy. Do you realize what you've done by rejecting Dog so boastfully? Obviously you have willfully accepted that evil deception of Santa, and by so choosing, you have earned the wrath of Dog. Sadly, as one might conclude this to be no laughing manner, because doing so mocks His almightiness Dog Allan (Many Biscuits Upon Him), and simultaneously commits the most grievous obamanation, condemning your kind to signing and sealing your own sentences of burning in the Inferno for eternity while your very soles are perpetually torn to shreds by the
Evil Puppy.
Mr. Deity
You've put some crazy stuff on this Earth, but just want you to know I love the whole Paul Potts thing! Very inspirational. Keep up the good work.
I think he WAS talking about Pol Pot... but Paul Potts is the opera singer that won Britain's Got Talent (or whatever the UK version of America's Got Talent is called).
- dmrxlrkw
Paul Potts did indeed win the Britain's Got Talent contest. If you haven't seen his performance, Google him or look him up on Youtube. He has got to be the male Cinderella story of all time. He has a Deity given gift!
I've never seen or heard of the Potts guy. By describing him as a male Cinderella, are you saying he has design sense? That would be non sequitur since Mr. Deity gave them a free pass, ergo Mr. Potts cannot be on the Wall of Shame.
Shit. I need a life. Maybe I could get a loaner....
Evil puppy lives in my nightmares.
So now they've awarded the Cambodian mass murderer a recording contract? Oy! The world has gone crazy and I've become so very confused!
(And BTW; does anyone think I'm responsible for the Google ads on my blog promoting the Hindu religion? I'm not, I think it must be another cosmic joke.)
Google must associate the word "deity" with the word "Hindu." I guess most Christians don't think of their God as "deity", otherwise you'd get ads from Billy Graham or something. I suppose "deity" has a polytheistic connotation for many people.
Dave "ljwlcw" MacD
I don't to see Mr. Cinderella Potts. I want Mr. D, Larry, Lucy and Jesse!!!! NOW!
João :)
Hey guys! That was a fun little flurry of chat! Murph & Wingo I feel the pain. The almighty & Larry have abandoned the faithful.
The Deity has abandoned us! We must walk in darkness, knowing not our fate, for He who brings to us humorous videos and delightful innuendo hath orphaned his flock of faithful disciples. All is lost.
Dave "The melodramatic agrngcv" MacD
OK, for the unbelievers here's a comment by Mr. Deity HIMSELF on youtube 3 days ago (on ep. 10):
"We're about to wrap up negotiations and sign a deal. I have the next five episodes written and I think you'll be very happy with them. We'll let you know what's ups as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience."
See? Not all is lost. We'll have five new episodes before the end of times. :)
Oh, I've just seen Mr. Potts on youtube too. I hope he spends some of the money he earned on that contest fixing his teeth... geeesh!
Larry and I have not abandoned anyone. We are just about to finish this (never-ending) negotiation. It's been murder on us as this is hardly what we'd like to be doing. We'll let everyone know what's up as soon as we can. Thanks again!
Mr. Deity
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